For the release 0.9.2 of Themis, we did a lot of minor and a few major changes:
Much better documentation.
Updated documentation reveals Themis Server, helpful associate for Themis library: a server where you can see current project status and try out different encryption techniques in your app with server as second party. Official tutorial will follow up soon.
All platforms and languages are fully covered in tests now
Themis is integrated with Circle CI now and all commits are tested as they are pushed to main repo, so mainline code should be much more stable (well, it never was untested anyway, but having automated confidence validation is a good thing).
Added conditional compilation logic for advanced features
Doxygen-friendly comments in code
Python Themis Wrapper: Python 3 / PEP compliance
PHP Themis Wrapper: Secure Session wrapper added (see the docs, there are some serious considerations on using SS with PHP
Android Themis Wrapper: Secure Message in Sign/Verify mode works now
iOS wrapper: iOS 9, lots of minor fixes, compatibility for new XCode, cleanup of clang errors when building Themis
Better exceptions: We've started long work on unifying exceptions across wrappers to provide consistent verbosity.
Longer RSA keys are supported now in case you really want RSA at all.
Better abstractions for cryptosystem parameters: cipher choice, key lengths, etc., are now abstracted on each layer in much more transparent manner.
Zero Knowledge Proof-based authentication called Secure Comparator. Advanced experimental feature. Will have separate announce and a scientific paper soon.
P.S. If you're looking for new ideas, this is the right place. If you're looking to implement security, apply for our Customer Success Program. If you're looking for ready-made solutions, consider looking into Themis, Acra, Hermes, or Toughbase.