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WWDC20’s major security and privacy announcements
Anastasiia Voitova on the key security and privacy announcements from WWDC20: Apple's focus on features like end-to-end encrypted iMessage threads and privacy-conscious location sharing.
Use cryptography, don’t learn it
Anastasiia Voitova on cryptography, "boring crypto", cryptographic libraries misuse, and the best ways to protect data.
Maintaining cryptographic library for 12 languages
Anastasiia Voitova about the challenges of maintaining a cryptographic library, the benefits of multi-platform cryptographic library Themis, and how to avoid common cryptography pitfalls.
Developer interview: Anastasiia Voitova on WWDC expectations from a security and privacy perspective
Anastasiia Voitova talks on the growing importance of security and privacy for app developers.
Secure development is dead, long live secure development
Keynote about data security and cryptography challenges and importance of supporting security controls by Anastasiia Voitova.
Talking with the server it’s supposed to, with special guests Anastasiia Voitova and Marcin Krzyzanowski
Anastasiia Voitova on Apple security features, peculiarities of end-to-end encryption, and Themis library offering a more accessible encryption.