Discover Cossack Labs the latest news, conference talks, podcasts, media presence, facts and information about new product launches, product updates, new partnerships.
Cyber resilience: A business imperative CISOs must get right
The role of AI in cyber resilience: Insights from Anastasiia Voitova.
Cybersecurity in wartime: how Ukraine's infosec community is coping
Eugene Pilyankevich on the importance of balancing security and usability while working on mission critical systems.
Security in Java, what do we need to know and how to keep our applications secure
This podcast tackles the essential aspects of securing Java applications: Practical strategies to secure your code.
Volunteers patrol Ukraine's cyber front during war
Hidden cyber war in Ukraine: Security skills in high demand.
Encryption in the Ukrainian War
Cossack Labs’ encryption tools to protect data in motion and data at rest for distributed applications and end-to-end encrypted communication systems.
WTF is Cloud Native Data Security?
Insights from Anastasiia Voitova on protecting information in the dynamic cloud environment.
Cutting-edge cryptography & data protection solutions at your fingertips
Eugene Pilyankevich about the Cossack Labs’ mission, motivations, solutions, challenges, and future plans.
Empowering developers to easily build secure applications that treat sensitive data responsibly
Eugene Pilyankevich about creating open-source libraries and tools for developers.
Open-source database protection with field-level encryption and intrusion detection
Version 0.90.0 Acra's Community Edition now includes core security features that were previously only available to enterprise customers.
Secure development is dead, long live secure development
This is a keynote about data security and cryptography by Anastasiia Voitova.