
mobile | Cossack Labs

🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine, and we stand for Ukraine. We offer free assessment and mitigation services to improve Ukrainian companies security resilience.


Feb 2022 #

Crypto wallets security for developers

Nov 2021 #

The secret life of Android apps

Sep 2021 #

React Native security: addressing typical mistakes

Jun 2021 #

Encryption export regulations. Why should mobile developers care?

May 2021 #

iOS vulnerabilities and how to fix them

Jan 2021 #

End-to-end encrypted doesn't mean secure

Nov 2020 #

Secure Authentication. Are you sure you do it right?

Sep 2019 #

10 lines of encryption, 1500 lines of key management

Jun 2019 #

Security, privacy and cryptography at WWDC19

Mar 2019 #

Secure software development: from rookie to hardcore in 90 minutes [workshop]

Jun 2018 #

Zero Knowledge Architecture Approach for Mobile Developers [workshop]

May 2018 #

X things you need to know before implementing cryptography

Oct 2017 #

Zero-knowledge architectures for mobile applications

Apr 2017 #

Key management approaches for mobile applications

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