Building SQL firewall: insights from developers
How SQL firewalls can help to protect databases from SQL injections: the main difference from web application firewalls (WAFs), common usage scenarios, pros, and cons. We implemented SQL firewall as part of data encryption proxy Acra, and we will share insights about security and development decisions. Expect a story about parsing SQL protocols, matching rules, hidden dangers of logging, best of configuration and usage patterns.
Search over encrypted records: from academic dreams to production-ready tool
The search over encrypted data is the modern cryptographic engineering problem. We will talk about existing approaches (both well-known and modern), and concentrate on practical solution based on blind index technique to search data in databases. What’s inside: cryptographic and functional schemes, implementation details, practical security evaluation (risk modelling and potential attacks). We will show how theoretical models turn into real, usable, maintainable, security tools. Search over encrypted records is part of Acra encryption proxy.
"Defense in depth": trench warfare principles for building secure distributed applications
“Defense in depth” is a security engineering pattern, that suggests building an independent set of security controls aimed at mitigating more risks even if the attacker crosses the outer perimeter. During the talk, Anastasiia modeled threats and risks for the modern distributed application, and improved it by building multiple lines of defence. She gave an overview of high-level patterns and exact tools how to build defense in depth for your distributed web applications.
Delivering security products without shooting yourself in the foot
Dmytro Shapovalov, our senior infrastructure engineer, talks about improving the infrastructure for developing, testing, and delivering security tools. Our experience of smoothing the difference between security idealism and engineering friendliness.
Teach your application eloquence. Logs, metrics, traces.
Most modern applications live in a close cooperation with each other. Dmytro spoke about the ways to effectively use the modern techniques for monitoring the health of applications. Being an infrastructure engineer, Dmytro explain typical mistakes developers do when implement monitoring, and suggested a couple of approaches and tools that can help.
Data encryption for Ruby web applications
Making secure applications is not easy, especially when encryption tools are difficult and incomprehensible. Dmytro talked about typical data security problems in web apps and about proper implementation of encryption. Dmytro reviewed the cryptographic approaches and the exact tools that ensure that no sensitive data leaks from the application or the database.
Encryption without magic, risk management without pain
An in-depth technical inquiry about cryptography in a wider context: how it helps to narrow more significant risks to controllable attack surfaces, enables efficient and elegant risk management, and how tools and algorithms sit in a broader context of managing infrastructure-wide risks associated with handling the sensitive data.