
Safer space for everyone in the future—without restricting innovation | Cossack Labs

🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine, and we stand for Ukraine. We offer free assessment and mitigation services to improve Ukrainian companies security resilience.

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Safer space for everyone in the future—without restricting innovation

Software is eating the world #

What has not been efficiently eaten by software yet—will get eaten soon. Software relies on data, and businesses that rely on software and “smart” technologies, inherently rely on data. More data becomes sensitive in various contexts.

With great opportunities comes great risk #

More software means more data exposed to cybersecurity risks in areas where nobody previously expected any threats. Furthermore, a gradual turning of cybersecurity into a weapon in a military context brings novel, never thought before, risks.

Resisting these risks is essential for safe and responsible human progress.

Security increases complexity of systems #

On the other extreme, we’ve got growing outrage: security hinders innovation by restricting certain types of data processing, preventing data sharing and collaboration. Security mandates sophisticated technical solutions that affect performance, software delivery speed, deployment complexity, and maintenance burden.

We innovate to enable others to innovate #

To ensure sustainable and responsible progress, we need security solutions that do not hinder the builder’s progress in innovation. It requires plenty of innovation, too, and it is our company’s mission:

Innovate to enable others to innovate securely and responsibly.

We are here to find the optimal balance in conflicts of “security vs innovation” and “innovation at the cost of privacy and security”—in every case, engagement and product decision.

We believe the balance is possible through relentless technological innovation in applied security. We work to make the world a safer space for everyone in the future—without restricting innovation that makes this future possible.

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